The Vietnam Project

In the fall of 2014, Bik Bok committed to fund a 3 year project in Quang Tri in central Vietnam. The projects main focus has been to address the barriers that prevent girls from completing their education. Together with our customers we raised over 3 million NOK (€300 000) and improved the lives for almost 1200 children that were direct beneficiaries of our project.

Plan has been working in the Province of Quang Tri since 1996. Around 632 000 people live here and most of them belong to ethnic minority groups. In these remote and mountainous areas there is a very high poverty rate, and people are suffering from food shortage and inadequate living conditions. Many children grow up in a poor and unhealthy environment. Although Vietnam has economic growth, many of the remote villages are still very poor. Conditions are especially poor for children belonging to ethnic minorities.

Together with Plan we have helped to improve primary schools and kindergartens in Ba Tang and A Doi Communes in Vietnam. As a first step, we built necessary classrooms, girl- and disability- friendly latrines and water wells. Moreover, we have filled the classrooms with the necessary learning material and educated the teachers and the community in child rights, gender equality and girls’ participation in society. The project has not only strengthen the schools, but also the girls’ situation. The goal has been to make sure that these girls are lifted out of poverty.

This is what our three year long project in Vietnam has generated. We are extremely proud and thankful for all the contributions from our customers and our stores. Together we make a difference! See the result here.

· Constructed 2 new primary classrooms

· Constructed 5 new kindergarten classrooms/preschool classrooms

· Constructed 9 latrines/toilets with hand washing facilities

· Drilled 4 wells for primary schools

· Teaching and learning materials for 51 school classes

· Desks and chairs for 2 new classrooms

· Courses for school teachers on child rights

· 16 reading and playing groups (767 children)

· 4 girl clubs established (136 girls)

· Supported 323 scholarships for girls

· Established core children groups with 63 members equipped with knowledge and skills on: reproductive and adolescent health for girls, reading and playing, communication, children’s rights, time management and planning skills, gender equality etc.

· 14 community playgrounds for children

· Improvement of Vietnamese reading and speaking

· Built fence, gate and changed broken doors and windows of dormitory.